Administration guide

So, you have a working Mastodon instance... now what?

Turning into an admin

The following rake task:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails mastodon:make_admin USERNAME=alice

Would turn the local user "alice" into an admin.

Administration web interface

A user that is designated as admin = TRUE in the database is able to access a suite of administration tools:

Site settings

Your site settings are stored in the settings database table, and editable through the admin interface at https://yourmastodon.instance/admin/settings.

You are able to set the following settings:

  • Site title
  • Contact username
  • Contact email
  • Site description
  • Site extended description

You may wish to use the extended description (shown at https://yourmastodon.instance/about/more ) to display content guidelines or a user agreement (see for an example).

Confirming Users Manually

The following rake task:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails mastodon:confirm_email [email protected]

Will confirm a user manually, in case they don't have access to their confirmation email for whatever reason.

Clearing Unconfirmed Users Manually

RAILS_ENV=production rake mastodon:users:clear

Will remove users that never confirmed their e-mail and never signed in, meaning they only have a user record and an avatar record, with no files uploaded.

Mastodon-admin mailing list

There's a mailing list open for mastodon instance admins at Feel free to join that list for all your questions and to get some feedback from other admins!

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